DRUPA 2024
Drupa 2024 expo. Drupa 2024

Fespa Berlin 2025
FESPA 2025 Berlin. Fespa 25 Berlin

Lamina Folder Gluer
Folder Gluer for cartons from Lamina System.

XY CNC Glue Plotter from Bickers.
XY Gluer (cnc Gluer) for gluing fsdu work. If you are still using hand guns you should talk to us.

Litho Laminator, XY Glue Plotter and Folder Gluer
Litho laminators and folder gluers from Lamina System. XY Gluer GLUEJET® from Bickers.

Litho Laminator / Lamina System Factory
The Lamina System factory just outside Gothenburg, Sweden.

Litho Laminator / Lamina System Factory, Sweden.
Manufacturer of Litho Sheet Mounting Laminators, Folder Gluers, Crash lock gluers & Tape Applicators. Snowy winter photo of the factory.

Lamina Blackline Litho Laminator, #litholaminator
LAMINA SYSTEM are world leaders in POS and Packaging litho laminators. From semi-auto to high speed one will suit your requirements.

Lamina Hot Melt Folder Gluer
Hot Melt Folder Gluers, Tape Unit.

Lamina Crash Lock Folder Gluer.
The Lamina folder gluer is suitable for straight line and crash lock gluing. This machine is entry level or a great additional machine for smaller runs.

Lamina System / Litho Laminator, Mounting Machine & Gluers
Litho Laminator, Mounting Machine, Hot Melt Folder Gluer, Tape Unit, crash lock gluer’

Litho Laminator, Mounting machine, XY Gluer Plotter, Folder Gluer
Lamina and Bickers FESPA 2016 Stand. Litho laminator, Mounting machine, XY Glue Plotter, Crash lock gluer, Folder Gluer, Tape Applicator.

Litho Laminator, Glue Plotter, Folder Gluer & Tape Units
Uk and Ireland Sales Agent for Lamina System and Bickers.

Litho Laminator, XY Gluer, Folder Gluers, Tape Units
Lamina System & Bickers UK & Eire Sales Agent.

#GLUEPLOTTER, Bickers Gluejet XY Glue Plotter, XY Gluer, Gluing plotter
XY CNC Glue PLOTTER XY GLUER & Tapejet, FSDU & Dump Bin Manufacture. The Bickers Gluejet is the number one choice in the UK & Ireland with 70 installs so far!
#gluing plotter

Litho laminator, Mounting machine, Folder Gluer, Tape Unit
Authorized sales agent for Lamina System.

BICKERS GLUEJET XY plotter gluer / cnc glue plotter / #xygluer
Hot Melt XY Gluer, Pattern Gluer, FSDU Gluer, Dump Bin Display Unit Gluer, plotter gluer, #xygluer, #xygluerplotter, #glueplotter, #xyglueplotter
#gluingplotters, gluing plotter

Bickers Tapejet / Tape Plotter
Automatic XY Tape Application, Top and Tail auto Tape application, Double sided tape applicator, #tape plotter #plotter gluer
#plottergluer, #glueplotter

#GLUEPLOTTER ~ Bickers XY Gluejet. #glue-plotter, #xygluer, gluing plotter
PLOTTER GLUERS, XY GLUER, XY GLUER PLOTTER, ROBOTIC GLUER, #plottergluer, #gluerplotter, #xygluer, #bickers, #gluejet, #xyglueplotter, #glueplotter, #glueplotters, #glueplotters, #cncglueplotter, #roboticglueplotter, #glue-plotter, #cncglueplotter, #gluingplotters, gluing plotter
The only real option for XY gluers with 60 installs so far!

Litho Laminator, XY Plotter Gluer, Folder Gluers & Tape Units
@FESPA, #plottergluer, #glueplotter, #foldergluer, #glueplotters, #ecommercetape, #litholam, #mountingmachine, #litholaminator, litho laminator, #xygluer, #xyglueplotter, #xyplottergluer

Litho Laminator, XY Glue Plotter & Folder Gluer
#litholaminators, #plottergluer, #foldergluer, #tapeapplicators, #xyplottergluer, #xygluer, #glueplotter, #glueplotters, #cncglueplotter
litho laminator, Plotter Gluer, Folder Gluer, XY Gluer